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Foods That Burn Calories: Boosting Your Body’s Ability To Convert Food Into Energy

Whether you are starting a new fitness routine or just trying to lose some inches of belly fat, nutrition can either support or sabotage your slimming quest. During such a time, some foodstuffs are not necessarily “an enemy” but rather key ingredients to achieving your fitness goals. These foods that burn calories can directly or indirectly impact your body fat content. 

In the world of foods that burn calories and fat rankings, all foodstuffs are not equal. Some stand out in such a way that when consumed as part of your diet, they will directly or indirectly increase your fat burning capacity. Here is a list of the best foods that burn fat and calories fast to get you into the sought-after calorie-burning zone. 

What Are The Foods That Burn Calories?

The calorie-burning magic in some foods is a result of metabolism. This process involves various chemical reactions that take place in your body to keep you alive. Food is turned into energy and burned off to keep your heart beating, your hair growing, and so forth. 

Foods that aid in burning calories work by increasing the metabolism rate in your body. If it is high, you will burn a lot of fats (6).

What Are Foods That Burn As Many Calories As They Contain Called?

They are referred to as negative-calorie foodstuffs. They supposedly take more calories to eat, digest, and absorb in the body than they contain. 

For instance, you could eat something with 40 calories, use 11 to chew it, and use 30 to digest it. In total, you would have used 41 calories, thereby creating a negative.  

Read More: Top Zero Calorie Foods That’ll Help You Keep The Number On The Scale In Check


What Foods Burn The Most Calories?

As earlier mentioned, all diets do not burn the same amount of calories. However, some stand out as they do away with a lot of fats in your body. Some even use a lot of energy to be digested than they actually provide. Well, here are some of the best foods that burn calories fast:

Oats are one of the fantastic foodstuffs that help burn calories. They contain fewer fats and low levels of energy. Oatmeal is also digested slowly. This means that it doesn’t cause a rapid increase in your glucose levels when eaten for breakfast. 

The combination of blood glucose stability and a sustainable energy release leads to loss of fat over time. This might explain why oats have nowadays secured a top place in diets considered effective for weight loss (5).  

  • Dark Chocolate

If you thought that burning some extra fat would mean giving up on some delicacies, then you might be terribly wrong. 

A research conducted by Louisiana State University found that gut microbes in the stomach ferment chocolate. The fermentation results in polyphenolic gut-healthy compounds and a fatty acid that encourages the body to burn more calories. 

To boost the fermentation process, add fruit to the dark bar. Make sure you go with the chocolate that has over 70% content of cacao.

  • Coconut (MCT) Oil

Coconut and MCT oil is loaded with a lot of health benefits. Adding some coconut oil to your diet could increase your good HDL cholesterol level, decrease your triglycerides, and help you lose weight. 

Coconut oils are mostly MCTs which have been previously credited with calorie-burning properties and appetite-suppressing. 

In one research, overweight men who added about 20ml of coconut into their daily meal lost 1 inch from their waist without making any diet changes or increasing physical activity.

Hence, consuming 20ml (2 tablespoons) of coconut oil every day will certainly help you maximize your fat-burning capacities. 

  • Full-Fat Greek Yogurt

Greek yoghurt is certainly nutritious for people trying to cut some weight. First, it is an excellent source of calcium, protein, and potassium. 

Researchers suggest that high protein dairy products such as yoghurt can boost your fat loss. Not only that, but it can also protect your muscles during your slimming journey. 

Full-fat Greek yoghurt also has some conjugated linoleic acid, promoting fat burning and weight loss in obese people. 

Be sure to choose a full-fat Greek yoghurt as non-fat products contain little conjugated linoleic acid (12).

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  • Blueberries

Berries are packed with antioxidants that help burn fats and prevent them from forming. They also improve blood flow to your muscles during your workouts. 

According to a study done by the Texas Woman’s University, mice that ate around three servings of berries had 73% lower fat cells. 

An International Journal of Obesity study concluded that blueberries could convert excess harmful white fat into beige fat. This reduced the chances of getting obese by 40%

So, next time you make some smoothies, pop some of these blue guys to boost your calorie-burning capacity (8).


Chillies do more than just adding heat to your meals. They contain powerful antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect cell damages. 

In addition to the above, there is an antioxidant called capsaicin found in chilli peppers that have been shown to promote a healthy weight. It does so by preventing overeating and promoting fullness. 

In one study, capsaicin was found to increase the metabolic rate when you have eaten less. Researchers found the compound reduces appetite and increases fat burning capacity per day. This means that you will eat less and burn more (3).

  • Cinnamon

Kick start your mornings and metabolism with cinnamon. This spice is known to contain powerful antioxidants that can alter your body’s composition and insulin sensitivity. 

By affecting insulin sensitivity, cinnamon will keep your blood sugar constant to prevent hunger crushes and spikes. 

Japanese researchers found that eating cinnamon could reduce your belly fat. 

To rip its benefits, add it to your cup of coffee or sprinkle it to your oats. 

  • Eggs

Despite a lot of years of adverse reports, eggs are now making a comeback. Yolks used to be avoided at all costs as they were said to have high cholesterol content. 

Well, that is not the case now. Recent studies have shown that eggs can protect your heart from cardiovascular diseases. 

Additionally, eggs are good for weight loss. If consumed as part of your breakfast, they can promote the feeling of fullness for several hours in obese people. 

In a controlled study involving 21 men, those that consumed three eggs during their breakfast ate fewer calories per day than those who hadn’t. 

When it comes to burning calories, eggs are the champion of all foods. They contain high-quality proteins that increase your metabolic rate for several hours

Hence, eating three eggs every day or several times a week can help you feel full, satisfied, and do away with excess fats (2). 

  • Green Tea

Green tea is one of the excellent beverages that can help you cut some belly fats. 

It is also a good source of epigallocatechin gallate, an antioxidant that catalyzes calorie burning and loss of belly fats. 

Nonetheless, some studies have found out that green tea doesn’t affect metabolism rate or aid in weight loss. Due to this difference, it will have different effects from one person to the other. 

Healthline states that taking up to four cups of the beverage could give you several benefits, including a possible increase in the amount of fats you burn. 

  • Apples

We all know the famous saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, apples are full of fibre, sweetness, and yet contain low calories. As you chew them down, you will burn a few calories, as opposed to taking smoothies. 

Apples are also brilliant when it comes to keeping your hunger at bay while supplying you with the much-needed energy. 

However, the fruit is more than just an appetite suppressant; multiple studies now suggest that it can aid in breaking down stored fats in your body (1). 

Read More: The 5-Day Apple Diet Plan To Prevent Fat Absorption

  • Olive Oil

Olive oil is surprisingly one of the foods that burn more calories than they contain. Although it contains fat, it has healthy fat that researchers have found to decrease inflammatory fat storing in the body.

Olive oil has also been shown to increase HDL cholesterol, lower triglycerides, and stimulate the production of GLP-4, one of the hormones that keep you feel like you are full. 

Some studies have shown that this oil can boost your metabolic rate and promote the burning of calories. 

To incorporate olive oil in your meals, just drizzle a little in your salad or cooked food. 

  • Oolong Tea

Although Oolong Tea receives less attention than Green Tea on the internet, both have the same benefits.

Several studies have shown that its catechins and caffeine contents burn up to an average of 102 calories per day

Oolong Tea has also been found to increase metabolic rates and promote weight loss. Drinking a cup of Oolong tea or in combination with Green Tea might promote weight loss and give you tons of other health benefits (14).

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider vinegar reduces your appetite and lowers your blood sugar and insulin levels, especially if you have diabetes. 

Its main constituent, acetic acid, has been linked with increasing fat burning and reducing belly fat. 

In one study, about 114 obese men were given two tablespoons of vinegar as part of their diet for 12 weeks. They were found to have lost 1.7 kilograms and had a 0.9% reduction in body fats. 

  • Whey Protein

Whey Protein promotes the growth of muscles when combined with a little exercise. It may also help you maintain your muscles during your weight loss journey. 

Not only does it help preserve your muscles, but it also suppresses your appetite effectively than other proteins. When consumed, it stimulates the production of GLP-1 and PYY, which are known to be “fullness hormones.” 

Whey Protein also helps in boosting your fat-burning capabilities and weight loss (17). 

  • Coffee

Coffee is associated with caffeine which enhances your moods and improves both mental and physical performance. 

The beverage can also help you burn some excess fats. It does so by increasing your metabolic rate by 3 to 13% depending on the amount you have consumed. 

To enjoy this benefit of coffee while avoiding side effects such as insomnia and anxiety, aim at taking1 to 4 cups of the beverage per day.

  • Fatty Fish

Some types of oily fish such as herring, salmon, and so forth contain omega-three fatty acids. The compounds have been linked to a reduction of cardiovascular diseases and inflammation. 

Besides, the compound can also help you shed off some body fat. In six-week controlled research involving 44 adults, those that took fish oil supplements were found to have lost about 0.5 kilograms of fat. They also had lower levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that stores fat in your body. 

What’s more, fish are generally excellent sources of high-quality proteins. Digesting them makes you feel full and increases your metabolic rate slightly. 

Take about 100 grams of fatty fish supplements twice a week to rip their benefits (9). 

  • Guacamole (Avocado)

A scoop of fresh guacamole can help you burn some calories and squash snacks hunger.  

Avocados are also rich in vitamin B6, which is associated directly with counteracting the stress hormone. The stress hormone is responsible for belly fat.

Guacamoles are full of monounsaturated fats which have been linked to the regulation of fat genes. This property ensures that no distribution of fats takes place around your belly (7).

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  • Bulgur

Have you had enough of indelicate rice? Well, you could add some bulgur into your meals. 

Bulgur is a staple dish of the Mediterranean. It is prepared mostly by combining it with chopped garlic, parsley, diced tomatoes, lemon juice, and olive oil. Instead of going with this traditional method of cooking the grain, you could just add it to your salad or aside your chicken dish. 

Thanks to the high content of fibre in this cereal, you can burn a lot of calories by only consuming it. 

A study published by Annals of Internal Medicine cites that if you could increase the amount of fibre you take to about 30 grams every day, then you could reap a lot of benefits. They include the shedding of some weight, lowering your blood pressure and improving your insulin responses (11). 

  • Quinoa

Quinoa is an ancient grain that has the capability of making that flat tire around your waist history!

The cereal is termed to be a complete protein. Therefore, it contains an entire chain of various amino acids that help lose fat and build muscles. 

In 2015, a study showered scientists discovered that patients who consumed a higher amount of vegetable protein were less susceptible to contracting metabolic syndrome. This is a condition characterized by high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and obesity. 

What’s more, Quinoa has a high level of betaine. The compound is associated with a revved mentalism and inhibiting fat production (10). 

  • Pork Tenderloin

Pork has been a long-time enemy of medics. However, recently, it is coming around as a healthy alternative as long as you eat the best cut – pork tenderloin.

A three-ounce serving of tenderloin has less fat than skinless breasts of a chicken. It also has 24 grams of high-quality proteins and 83 milligrams of choline per serving. 

In one study, 144 obese men were asked to consume pork’s fresh lean. After three months, they noted a significant decrease in waist size. No mass muscle reduction was recorded. It was concluded that pork’s protein amino acid profile might have contributed to the fat-burning increase (15).

What Foods To Eat To Reduce Weight

When you are shedding off some kilos, you must stick to healthy eating. This means that you should keep an eye on your diet. Well, when it comes to what foods you should eat, the list is endless. However, as a rule of thumb, you should consume foodstuffs with the following characteristics (18).

  • Less refined carbs
  • Little to no added sugars
  • Low starch content
  • Rich in proteins
  • Vegetables
  • Fats – Don’t be afraid of taking fats. Your body needs healthy fats no matter what diet you are on.

How To Reduce Body Fat

One way of cutting down some calories is by consuming the foods listed in this article. In addition to that, you would also want to practice the following to reduce your body fat:

  • Start strength training – you can lift some weights to reduce some visceral fat.
  • Eat a high protein meal.
  • Getting enough sleep is essential.
  • Consume a lot of healthy fats.
  • Limit your alcohol intake.
  • Take a lot of fibres.
  • Reduce refined carbs in your diet.
  • Do aerobic exercises.
  • Try high-intensity interval training.

No single foodstuff will automatically make you lose fat from a particular area of your body. You need to do a proper fitness routine on top of consuming the listed foods that burn calories (16). 

Diets are great, but your body will thank you if you supplement your healthy nutrition plan with a good workout. Take up this 20 Min Full Body Workout at Home.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!


  1. Apple (2019, medicinenet.com)
  2. Are The Eggs in Your Fridge Safe to Eat? (2010, medicinenet.com)
  3. Chili (2015, mayoclinic.org)
  4. Coconut oil and palm oil’s role in nutrition, health and national development: A review (2016, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  5. Dried Fruit, Oats and Coffee: Answers to Your Sugar Questions(2020, nytimes.com)
  6. Eat Your Way to a Faster Metabolism (nd, webmd.com)
  7. Everything you need to know about avocado (2020, medicalnewstoday.com)
  8. Everything you need to know about blueberries (2018, medicalnewstoday.com)
  9. Fish oil vs. lard: Why some fat can help or hinder your diet (2016, sciencedaily.com)
  10. Healthy food trends — quinoa (2020, medlineplus.gov)
  11. How to naturally lose weight fast (2018, medicalnewstoday.com)
  12. Is Greek yogurt good for you? (2018, medicalnewstoday.com)
  13. Is the Saturated Fat in Chocolate as Bad as the Fat in Meat? (2019, nytimes.com)
  14. Oolong tea: A critical review of processing methods, chemical composition, health effects, and risk (2017, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  15. Pork tenderloin with apples and balsamic vinegar(2016, mayoclinic.org)
  16. Weight loss (2019, mayoclinic.org)
  17. Whey Protein (2020, webmd.com)
  18. Will Eating Certain Foods Help Me Burn Calories?(nd, webmd.com)