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32 Foods That Burn Belly Fat Fast: Eat Your Way Into A Flatter, Sexier Midsection

‘Abs are made in the kitchen’. How many times have you heard or seen this quote while looking for ways on how to lose belly fat fast? Without a proper healthy and balanced diet, you will not achieve those Instagramable abs that you crave so much. But what foods should you consume? In this article we will be looking into 32 foods that burn belly fat fast.

Combining a good workout routine with a healthy diet is the fastest way to lose belly fat. While you may be aware of the best workouts to get rid of belly fat, figuring out the best foods for weight loss, especially belly fat loss can be a little tricky. Listed below are the best 32 foods that could help to burn belly fat fast.

How To Lose Belly Fat With Healthy Foods: The Best Weight Loss Foods For Your Diet

Be sure to add these foods to your grocery list and add the to your daily/week’s meal plans:

1.  Mushrooms

One of the main reasons mushrooms are on this list  is that they are low-calorie ingredients  for other high-calorie foods. Another reason is that mushrooms are a natural plant-based source of Vitamin D.

According to Medical News Today, a Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to increased belly fat and larger waistlines. The study revealed that in women, both total and abdominal fat were associated with lower vitamin D levels, but that abdominal fat had the greatest impact.  However, lower vitamin D levels in men were significantly linked with fat in the liver and abdomen.

They are also loaded with other vitamins and minerals such as copper, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, potassium, phosphorus, and iron, which are all good for your overall health. Because mushrooms have such a meaty texture, they can be used in anything from salads to pastas and even vegan burgers.

2. Raspberries

They are delicious and add a pop of colour in any dish be it a salad or a bowl of oats, but this is not all they are good for. Raspberries are full of fiber, vitamins, and nutrients such as vitamin K, manganese and vitamin C. Vitamin C is great for your immunity while fiber, when consumed, helps keep you full for longer ensuring that you eat fewer calories in the day. On the other hand, manganese could boost your metabolism which helps burn belly fat (5).

3. Nuts

Some people may shy away from nuts as they are high in calories and fat. However, if you count your calories, you can incorporate a few nuts in your diet without going over your daily recommended calorie intake. In relation to fat content, they are full of the good fats which are good for your heart and reduce your risk of type II diabetes.

Nuts are great weight loss foods that help you get rid of belly fat because of their high protein and fiber content. As previously mentioned, fiber keeps you fuller for longer and so does protein. Protein goes a step further to help boost your metabolism, helping get rid of extra calories and ‘melt’ away the fat in your midsection.

4. Avocados

If you have not joined the avocado loving train then it is about high time that you do. Whether you will be eating it as part of toast, guacamole, in your salads, or by making avocado boats, this fruit makes a great addition to the 32 foods that burn belly fat fast and there is scientific studies to back this up.

One 2014 study showed that eating just half an avocado at lunch reduces your desire to eat or snack later, meaning that it potentially acts as an appetite suppressant. Monounsaturated fats found in this fruit have also been shown to help with fat and weight loss. One 2013 study revealed that people who consumed 40 grams of high-oleic oils on a daily basis for four weeks lowered their belly fat by 1.6% more as compared to those who consumed an oil blend high in polyunsaturated fats.

An earlier study done in 2007 came to the conclusion that monounsaturated fat may actually prevent body fat distribution around the belly by down-regulating the expression of certain fat genes. All these facts show that having at least half an avocado a day could help to lose belly fat.

Read More: How To Eat Avocado For Weight Loss: Eating Fat To Burn Fat

Best Foods For Weight Loss:

5. Eggs

Whether boiled, poached, scrambled, or fried, eggs are great weight loss foods. Not only are they high in protein which keeps you fuller for longer, but they also contain vitamin D which is shown to help combat belly fat. Eggs have all 9 amino acids that humans need and research has found that amino acids help boost energy metabolism helping you burn calories faster before they are turned and stored as fat.

6. Grapefruit

This fruit has been hailed as one of the best foods for weight loss and for good reason. Studies done on both animals and humans have shown that those who eat a grapefruit a day or drink grapefruit juice tend to have better weight loss results. Researchers suggest that this fruit has some compounds that reduce insulin levels and encourage weight loss. Do not be tempted to try the grapefruit juice diet, instead find ways to add this fruit and it’s juiced in a healthy, well balanced diet.

7. Coconut Oil

If you have done or been around anyone doing the keto diet, then you may have heard about bullet coffee, which is essentially a cup of coffee with a tablespoon of coconut oil added to it. Coconut oil works well for weight loss because some of the fatty acids in coconut oil can reduce appetite and increase fat burning. Coconut oil also has medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are  rapidly and directly absorbed into the bloodstream. MCTs are known to promote a feeling of fullness which reduces how much food you eat in a day. Keep in mind that coconut oil is as calorie-dense as any other fat and should be consumed with moderation.

8. Chilies

They are known to help boost your metabolism, albeit for a short while which helps you burn more calories which equals weight and belly fat loss.

9. Peanut Butter And Other Nut Butters

Instead of spreading sugary filled jams and jellies on bread, switch to peanut butter (or other nut butters instead). You can also have peanut butter as a snack with fruits and vegetables like apples or celery. One serving of natural peanut butter can have up to 8 grams of protein and up to 4 grams of fiber per serving which keeps you satiated for longer and boosts your metabolism.

Best Foods For Weight Loss:

10. Oatmeal

Oats are among the 32 foods that burn belly fat fast due to their high fiber content. As we have seen, fiber helps with satiety, which means you eat less per day. However, oats are not just great weight loss foods. They are fantastic for your overall health as they lower your blood cholesterol levels, boost the immune system, and regulate your blood glucose levels. Have some oats as your breakfast, make some oat pancakes, or add some oat flour to your smoothies to make them more nutritious and filling.

11. Chickpeas

Whether you are a vegan, vegetarian, or a meat lover, if you are looking to get rid of belly fat, chickpeas should be on your grocery list. They are a great source of plant-based protein and fiber, two factors that work well for both fat loss and weight loss.

12. Dark Chocolate

Many people have hailed dark chocolate as a superfood and for good reason. Several studies have linked it to:

  • Improving insulin sensitivity (which is associated with increased weight loss and reduced fat storage)
  • Decreases hunger and appetite
  • Boosts your mood which has been known to be beneficial for weight loss

13. Salmon

Like eggs, it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which work great for fat burning. It is also rich in lean protein which enhances satiety and your metabolism.

14. Broccoli

A 2014 study by the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, linked dark green vegetables like broccoli to decreased visceral and liver fat in overweight Latino youth. These vegetables also helped improve insulin sensitivity which not only helps with weight loss, but also reduces the risk of type II diabetes.

Best Way To Lose Belly Fat

Best Foods For Weight Loss:

15. Pumpkin

Pumpkin makes it onto this list of the 32 foods that burn belly fat fast due to its high amounts of fiber and low calories. Not only will it keep you satiated for longer preventing unhealthy snacking, but it doesn’t threaten your daily energy requirement.

16. Chia Seeds

They are loaded with essential nutrients like omega-3s, fiber, and proteins, all which help speed up your metabolic rate and take longer to digest, keeping you fuller for longer and preventing unnecessary snacking.

17. Tart Cherries

Cherries are often associated with sleep as they can help people struggling with insomnia get some sleep. However, according to a 2009 study, regular consumption of these fruits can help anyone wondering how to get rid of belly fat. The mice in the study not only lost weight but also reduced hyperlipidemia, percentage fat mass, and abdominal fat (4).

18. Sunflower Seeds

They are packed with polyunsaturated fats which are good for your heart health and decrease the risk of type II diabetes. Sunflower seeds are among the 32 foods that burn belly fat fast because they are also filled with protein and fibre.

19. Quinoa

Not only is it full of fiber, but it also has all nine essential amino acids which makes it one of the best foods for weight loss. One 2017 study revealed that this grain helped lower  triglycerides levels in overweight and obese subjects as well as helping them lose weight and waist circumference.

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Best Foods For Weight Loss:

20. Peas

Whether you choose to have green peas or split peas, both options are great weight loss foods as they are high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They also contain complex carbohydrates, which are a good source of energy. Peas are also high in protein which keeps you fuller for longer and boosts your metabolism.

21. Blueberries

According to studies done on mice, a diet rich in blueberries can contribute to losing abdominal fat. The mice in the study saw a reduction in their abdominal fat, triglycerides, and total body weight (1). Blueberries are also extremely high in vitamins that enhance your immune system.

22. Beans

Like peas, they are a complex carbohydrate that helps give your body the energy it needs for long periods of time. Beans are also high in both plant-based protein and carbs which boosts satiety and metabolism making them a great and cheap option to help get rid of belly fat.

23. Milk

If you are among those people who have given up milk altogether or replaced it with plant-based sources, you may have to rethink your stance. Milk makes it onto this list of the 32 foods that burn belly fat fast due to some vitamins and minerals like calcium and vitamin D3. A randomized controlled trial done in 2013, revealed that the participants that supplemented their calorie deficit diet with 600 mg elemental calcium and 125 IU vitamin D3, lost more visceral fat and overall body fat than those who stuck to a calorie deficit diet without the milk.

24. Yogurt

In the same line as milk, dairy products such as plain or Greek yogurt are also among the best foods for weight loss. According to a 2014 study, high-protein snacks such as yogurts work great as a best way to lose belly fat as they help control your appetite, offset hunger, and decrease your overall food intake.

Fastest Way To Lose Belly Fat

Best Foods For Weight Loss:

25. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are fantastic weight loss foods as they are rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that help fight disease and lose those extra pounds. However, what lands them in this list of 32 foods that burn belly fat fast is a compound called capsaicin that has been found to increase fat-burning rate and suppress appetite, which can promote weight loss (3).

26. Apples

Whether you cut it up in a salad, eat it whole, or add it to a morning smoothie, consuming apples is  one option of how to get rid of belly fat. According to a 2012 study, apples contain ursolic acid, a compound that increases brown fat (the good fat), muscle mass (which boosts metabolism), and helps decrease diet induced obesity (6).

27. Tea

Whether you are consuming green tea, black tea, or oolong tea, this drink makes it on this list of the best 32 foods that burn belly fat fast due to the presence of catechins. Catechins have long been praised for their potential fat and weight loss benefits.

In one 2012 study, the group that consumed catechins in green tea lost 0.6 kgs, 1.7 kgs and 2.3 kgs of lean mass, weight, and body fat mass, respectively (2).  Consuming a beverage containing green tea catechins (625mg/d) may enhance exercise-induced loss of abdominal fat and improve triglyceride levels.

28. Blackberries

If tea does not do the trick for you, then you can consume blackberries for your daily intake of catechins. For every 100 g of blackberries, you get roughly 37 milligrams of catechins which is about 14 times more than what you would get in 3/4 cup of green tea.

29. Turmeric

This spice may stain your hands and utensils but could potentially help you lose that muffin top. According to some test-tube studies, turmeric’s main active ingredient, curcumin, may help suppress some inflammatory markers that play a role in obesity.

In animals, curcumin has shown positive results in promoting weight loss, reducing fat tissue growth, curbing weight regain, and enhancing insulin sensitivity. In humans, a study once found that 800 mg of curcumin and 8 mg of piperine (a compound in black pepper) led to significant reductions in body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist and hip circumference.

Best Foods For Weight Loss:

30. Farro

If you are tired of having quinoa and brown rice all the time, farro is another great wholegrain option. It is high in fiber and protein and thus consuming it is another best way to lose belly fat.

31. Fermented Foods

Fermented foods such as kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, fermented or raw cheeses, raw apple cider vinegar (with the mother), kimchi (fermented cabbage), natto, miso, or tempeh are great for weight and belly fat loss. This is because they contain probiotics (good bacteria like Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium) which have been shown to aid this process.

32. Kiwi Fruit

This fruit rounds up our list of 32 foods that burn belly fat fast as it is a great source of plant-based fiber and prebiotic that feeds the friendly bacteria that help your metabolism function optimally.

The Bottom Line

The above listed 32 foods that burn belly fat fast should be consumed with other healthy foods in a well-balanced calorie deficit. Remember that while abs are mostly made in the kitchen, you should also be sure to workout using cardio and strength training to enhance your weight loss.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any medical conditions. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!


  1. Blueberry intake alters skeletal muscle and adipose tissue peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor activity and reduces insulin resistance in obese rats (2012, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  2. Effects of catechin-enriched green tea beverage on visceral fat loss in adults with a high proportion of visceral fat: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial (2012, sciencedirect.com)
  3. Effects of novel capsinoid treatment on fatness and energy metabolism in humans: possible pharmacogenetic implications (2009, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  4. Regular tart cherry intake alters abdominal adiposity, adipose gene transcription, and inflammation in obesity-prone rats fed a high fat diet (2009, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  5. The Essential Element Manganese, Oxidative Stress, and Metabolic Diseases: Links and Interactions (2018, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
  6. Ursolic Acid Increases Skeletal Muscle and Brown Fat and Decreases Diet-Induced Obesity, Glucose Intolerance and Fatty Liver Disease (2012, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)