Blog Weight Loss How To Lose 50 lb In 2 Months: Lifestyle Changes To Make Your Dream Come True

How To Lose 50 lb In 2 Months: Lifestyle Changes To Make Your Dream Come True

How to lose weight

The start of the year marks a new beginning, characterized with new resolutions, bigger plans, and strategies to accomplish a set goals. According to findings on Statista, most people resolve to eat healthier, exercise more, and lose weight (21). One of the items on your to do list may be to learn how to lose 50 lb in 2 months, so here is everything you need to know to make your dream come true.

Wondering how to lose 50 lb in 2 months? There are hundreds, if not thousands of resources that you may come across, all approaching this issue from unique angles. If you are new to weight loss, these resources may overwhelm you due to the diversity of the ideas brought forth. Despite this, the steps to be followed in pursuit of a 50 lb weight loss in 2 months can be summed up into one fact. Expert recommended weight loss calls for a suitable, healthy, manageable, and realistic plan that you can follow to the end.


How To Lose 50 lb In 2 Months

How long does it take to lose 50 pounds? 50 lbs is equal to about 22.7 kilograms. You may have found this article because you are looking for information on how to lose 50 pounds in 2 months. According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, among other credible sources, one could lose about 1-2 pounds a week, which means that the recommended time frame to lose 50 lbs is between 25-50 weeks (7 months to 1 year) (15). Losing weight much faster than that is not safe or sustainable. Keep in mind that everyone is different and so among people following the same weight loss routine there will be different rates of fat lost, depending on their genetics, gender, and age, among other factors (9).

Remember, weight loss is a journey in which every step counts, therefore, focus should not be on how much, by what time, but in making lifestyle changes that will help you shed those unwanted pounds reasonably and maintain a healthy weight. You also need to be aware of the other contributing factors to the amount of weight you can drop in a short period. For instance, the heavier you are, the easier it is to lose weight more quickly because having greater mass takes more energy to move around, therefore biophysics favours you when you exercise (25).

Lifestyle Changes To Help You Lose Weight

The basic weight loss equation is that calorie intake should be less than calories burnt. This means that to get to your ideal weight, you should decrease the number of calories you eat and increase calories burnt (25). Calorie intake is determined by your diet, and calories burnt mostly depends on your level of physical activity.

A. Diet Tweaks That Can Help You Shed Weight In Two Months

You are what you eat, therefore, replacing lousy eating habits with a healthy diet is the first step in learning how to lose weight in a month or more. According to Britannica, the average human body comprises less than 1% stored carbohydrates, 6% minerals, 16% protein, 16% fat, and a more significant water percentage (about 62%) (13). Although these percentages vary depending on the individual, it should paint a clear picture of the macronutrients you need to invest in for a healthy body.

There are many traditional and modern diets such as the Mediteranean, DASH, keto, vegan, and paleolithic diets. Despite their differences in origin and ingredients, these meal plans may help you lose weight as long as you identify the one that works for you. Better still, your dietician may create an eating plan that is tailored for you. Remember, what you eat and how much you eat matters (7). Here are some eating tips that will help you lose weight:

how to lose 50 lb in 2 months

1. Incorporate More Fruits And Vegetables In Your Meals

Fruits and vegetables have long been associated with several health benefits and nutritional value. They contain plenty of water, are low in calories, and have a higher fiber content, in addition to numerous vitamins and minerals.They also contain a rich base of antioxidants, which help boost the body’s immune system (12).

According to research, increasing your fruit and vegetable consumption may help with weight loss and body weight maintenance (12).  Some of the fruits and vegetables that help lose weight and burn stubborn belly fat include:

  • Grapefruit
  • Kiwi
  • Guava
  • Tomatoes
  • Apples
  • Pumpkin
  • Cauliflower
  • Cucumber
  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus

Fruits and vegetables can fit many recipes for your weight loss diet plan. For instance, you can blend carrots with an apple to create a fresh, healthy, nutritious drink. You can also grill spinach with skinless chicken breast for a healthy lunch.

Read More: What Fruits Are High In Protein? Delicious Protein Bombs You’ve Been Missing Out On

2. Avoid Overeating

Eating more than is necessary is a big step backward when trying to lose 50 pounds in 2 months because it is one of the main reasons people gain weight quickly. There are 2 types of overeating-eating when there is no physiological need, and eating too much when hungry. Before you go down that route, you can adopt a few strategies to help you prevent or slow down the chances of overeating (1).

  • Break free from screens, phones, or laptops while eating, and take a moment to enjoy your meals. We eat with our eyes too, so paying attention to what you put in your mouth will help you know when you are satisfied and stop, unlike when your attention is divided.
  • Watch out for added sugar, salt, and saturated fats. Choose other seasonings like herbs, spices, vinegars, and lemon that can make your food delicious. If you want a sweet snack in between the meals, take a small bite at a time. Eat snacks that are unsalted or low in sodium.
  • Avoid eating unless you are truly hungry. People may eat just because they are bored, craving, emotional for example angry or stressed. It would help if you consulted a psychologist or incorporate more self-care into your routine to help you manage your inner self instead of eating to suppress your emotions.

how to lose 50 lb in 2 months

3. Track Your Calories

Losing 50 lb in two months means losing about 6.25 lb per week, meaning you will have to burn over 2500 calories on top of what you consume every day. This is unrealistic. A safer calorie deficit of 500-1000 calories should lead to steady weight loss. Counting your calorie intake may be tedious and tiresome, but it is key when it comes to losing 1-2 pounds in a week. A simple solution is to create a weekly meal plan listing all the meals you will have that week and how many calories each contains. Doing so helps plan out your entire week and gives you more details on what the diet contains or what might be missing.

The second approach is to use online resources to calculate how many calories your body needs to lose or maintain. Many online calculators, apps, and websites automatically process such data to help you understand your current situation. All you need to do is feed the calorie calculator with variables such as height, weight, and activity level, and the calculator will do the rest.

If your daily calorie goal is 1500 (about 500 less than the needs of an average woman), you will need to consume 3 main meals of 400-500 calories each with 2 small snacks in between (around 100 calories each) (23). Having less calories means the body will tap into its reserves to get energy, and this will lead to weight loss (6).

how to lose 50 lb in 2 months

4. Drink Lots Of Water

Water plays a pivotal role in the body. It keeps your systems in perfect health by maintaining your body’s electrolyte balance, protecting organs and tissues, keeps you hydrated, and aids in digestion, among other roles (3).

You need to drink slightly more than two liters of water a day on a weight loss diet, preferably two glasses 20 minutes before each meal (20). One study found that people who drank 500 ml water before each meal on a hypocaloric diet (caloric deficit), lost 44% more weight over 12 weeks when compared to those who did not (19). Plain water contains zero calories, but if you do not like its tastelessness, you can squeeze a fresh lemon, lime, or try a few slices of cucumber to make it tastier.

5. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is one of the most common methods of weight loss. It involves partially or completely refraining from eating for a specific period. It is a cycle revolving around eating and fasting periods, typically within an 8-10 hour window. According to Sue Ryskamp, a Michigan Medicine dietitian, your insulin levels go down during the fasting period, helping the body burn fat (14). During this period, your body releases its glucose stores as energy. During intermittent fasting routines, people often tend to eat less food overall which leads to weight loss.

There are several variations of the intermittent diet to choose from. However, determining the best approach depends on you- it is advisable to choose a diet plan and time frame that works for you.

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The 5:2 diet

5:2 diet involves eating normally for five days of the week and fasting for two non-consecutive days. For the 5 eating days, you do not have to worry about calorie restriction. But during the fasting period, men can target approximately 600 calories while women can aim for 500 calories (16). You can also choose which days to eat and which ones to fast since there is no pattern to adhere to. The diet focuses more on when you eat than what you eat.

The Warrior Diet

The Warrior diet is considered an extreme form of intermittent fasting whereby a person survives on a few fruit and vegetable servings within 20 hours and later eats a mega meal at night (16). When eating a large meal at night, always remember to include plenty of vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats such as avocado for replenishment. The Warrior diet is more friendly to people who are used to other intermittent fasting diets.

Alternate Day Fasting

Here, you get to choose whether to avoid food entirely on the fasting days or reduce caloric intake under the alternate-day fasting, say 500 calories (16). On the feeding day, one can choose how much to eat. Although alternate day fasting sounds excellent, you need to understand that it might seem a little bit extreme for beginners, and you might not be able to keep up. Also, you need to consult your doctor if you have any underlying medical conditions.

Other IF diets include 16:8 diet, 12-hour fast, Eat-Stop-Eat diet, and Meal skipping. Before proceeding with intermittent fasting, you need to be ready for some adverse side effects such as hunger, nausea, and insomnia (22). You may also face a hard time fitting in because intermittent fasting requires a lot of self-control to avoid the temptations of eating when fasting. But if you stay strong and stick to the diet, you could enjoy other benefits, such as a short-term intervention to type 2 diabetes and reduction of blood pressure among other risk factors for cardiovascular disease (10). Always make sure to discuss with your doctor before trying any of them.

lose 50 pounds in 3 months

6. Avoid Drinking Too Much Alcohol And High-calorie Beverages

The human body is wired in such a way that it opts for the quickest energy source, and as long as there are more readily available energy sources other than fat, your body will obtain energy from them. Sodas, beer, energy drinks, and alcohol provide a faster and more accessible energy fuel than fat.

Drinking too much alcohol could frustrate your efforts to lose 50 pounds in 3 months or less. Alcohol is packed with carbs and calories from its composite additives and mixtures. Besides, alcohol is an appetite stimulant (leads to greater hunger and less satiety) that hinders your body from burning fat and encourages you to make bad meal choices (4). Science backs this with research that links heavy drinking in young adulthood with an astonishing transition from average weight to overweight (11). Therefore, staying away from alcohol could help prevent weight gain and prevent other health-related conditions such as liver disease, high blood pressure, and insulin resistance.

Note that drinking while trying to lose 50lb in 2 months is not bad unless it is overdone. If you must drink, take time to read through the composition of what you are consuming. According to nutritionist Amy Gorin, you should also watch out for what you mix your drink with because if you mix vodka with a high-calorie beverage, it could delay your progress (18).

Low-Calorie Alcohol Choices

Some low-calorie alcohol choices include (18):

  • Champagne (90 calories)
  • Vodka soda (96 calories)
  • Rum and coke (97 calories)
  • Whisky (105 calories)
  • Gin & Tonic (115 calories)
  • Pinot noir (Red Wine 123 calories)

Whether you intend to lose 50 pounds in 3 months, less or more, the best diet to adopt for is the one that works well for all your body parts, not just your arms, legs, or belly. A good diet provides all nutrients, and you can live with it for a long time without needing expensive supplements.

B. Physical Activities And Exercise For 50 Lb Weight Loss

Other than eating, physical activity is the other secret ingredient for a successful weight loss plan. Without it, your efforts in dietary changes may only lead you halfway there.

lose 50 pounds


Cardio, AKA aerobic exercises, are physical activities that increase your heart rate (8). They make your body consume oxygen and, in the process, help you burn more fat and calories. When it comes to weight loss, you can try several types of cardio exercises, including simple exercises such as swimming, walking, and cycling. Cardio exercises do not have to be actual workout routines because simpler activities like mopping can equally qualify as cardio.

If you are more into the actual cardio workout routines, you can try out the physically demanding exercises. But first, you need to determine which exercises you need to do to get the body type you are aiming for. For example, if you want a runner’s body, go for the distant running cardio.

  • Stationary bike workouts- A 185-pound person can burn 311 calories in 30 minutes at a moderate pace.
  • Elliptical- Above moderate pace, a 180-pound man can burn 500-600 calories per hour.
  • Rope jumping can help burn 500 calories in just 30 minutes.
  • Rowing – A 180-pound guy can lose 800 calories per hour.

Read More: Cardio 7 Days A Week: Is It A Safe Approach Or A Ticking Bomb For Your Health? (Based On Science)

healthy weight loss per week

Strength Training

Strength training is a form of exercise where your muscles are worked against an opposing force—for example, lifting weights to increase your strength. Michaela Devries, an exercise physiologist at McMaster University, insists that strength training does a better job building muscle than cardio alone (26). Having more muscle means that your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) improves, and this means that your body will burn more calories at rest. Noam Tamir, the founder of TS Fitness, adds that when you strength train, the body breaks down muscle and recreates it in a process that requires energy (26). The more your muscles, the more the energy needed for these processes, increasing your metabolism. Some basic strength training exercises you could try out include (8):

  • Weight lifting
  • Push-ups, pull-ups, crunches, and leg squats
  • Resistance bands
  • Deadlifts

For better results, try combining strength training with cardio-strength training for 45-60 minutes three to four times a week helps prepare the body for aerobic exercise. Apart from diet and working out, remember to get enough sleep and manage your stress.

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Healthy Weight Loss Per Week

As mentioned earlier, CDC recommends a healthy weight loss of 1-2 pounds a week for the best results (15). People who lose weight at this rate are more successful than others at keeping it off. Losing 50 lb in two months is almost three times the recommended weight loss per week. According to Mayo Clinic, losing too much weight too fast usually demands big changes in diet and workout plans, which could be unhealthy for your body (24). Even worse, it could lead to loss of water weight or lean muscle. Once you attain your target weight, it is essential to keep up with the exercises and maintain a healthy diet.

How long does it take to lose 50 pounds? The answer depends on the approach you intend to take and the time you’re willing to sacrifice. For instance, if you decide to lose weight at the recommended rate (1-2 pounds a week), it could take between 4-8 months and 25 weeks to lose 50 pounds.

Final Thought

Realistically, being able to lose 50 lb in 2 months is unlikely. How much weight you lose and at what pace depends on your diet, level of physical activity, and other lifestyle changes. However, remember that although it may sound awesome to lose a tremendous amount of weight in a short span, there are adverse health impacts you should be aware of. Follow a healthy weight loss diet and workout routine that is sustainable. Get a green light from your doctor, nutritionist and personal trainer before engaging in any weight loss routine.



This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!


  1. 3 Strategies to prevent overeating (2015,
  2. 10 Best Cardio Workouts for Weight Loss (n.d.,
  3. About Body Water (2020,
  4. Alcohol and weight gain (2017,
  5. Calories burned in 30 minutes for people of three different weights (2004,
  6. Counting calories: Get back to weight-loss basics (2020,
  7. Diet & Weight Loss (n.d.,
  8. Everything You Need to Know About Cardio (2021,
  9. Factors That Influence Body Weight (2003,
  10. Fasting diets reduce important risk factor for cardiovascular disease (2018,
  11. Heavy Drinking in Young Adulthood Increases Risk of Transitioning to Obesity (2017,
  12. How to Use Fruits and Vegetables to Help Manage Your Weight (2020,
  13. Human nutrition (n.d.,
  14. Intermittent Fasting: Is it Right for You? (2019,
  15. Losing Weight (2020,
  16. Seven Ways to do Intermittent Fasting (2020,
  17. Strength Exercise: Everything You Need to Know (2016,
  18. Struggling to lose weight? The 6 best alcoholic drinks if you’re on a diet (2019,
  19. Water Consumption Increases Weight Loss During a Hypocaloric Diet Intervention in Middle-aged and Older adults (2010,
  20. Water: How much should you drink every day? (2020,
  21. What are your New Year’s resolutions? (n.d.,
  22. What is intermittent fasting? Does it have health benefits? (2020,
  23. What should my daily intake of calories be? (2019,
  24. Why do doctors recommend a slow rate of weight loss? What’s wrong with fast weight loss? (2020,
  25. Why Do Overweight People Lose Weight Faster?(n.d.,
  26. Why Strength Training Is The Workout You Need To Do If You’re Trying To Lose Weight (2016,