Blog Weight Loss BetterMe Customized Meal Plan: Dieting Has Never Been As Pleasant And Efficient

BetterMe Customized Meal Plan: Dieting Has Never Been As Pleasant And Efficient

better me app

 Start making first steps in weight loss: create your customized meal plan

Are you tired of digging up the internet in quest for the perfect diet that will work miracles on your body? The tried and tested weight loss approach is to consult with a specialist or create an individual meal plan. But what if it doesn’t fit your bill? What if you’re strapped for time and don’t have an insurance or a financial opportunity to fritter away thousands of dollars on medical expenses? If so, the perfect option for you is just a couple of clicks away. All you need to do in order to create a customized meal plan that will satisfy all your dieting needs is to download the BetterMe app.

Get Ultimate 28 Days Workout & Meal Plan

Perks of the BetterMe customized meal plan

  • It is safer for health

Common diets don’t take into account peculiarities of your health. If you consume some of the prohibited foods, you’re running the risk of harming yourself or even worse. That is why when piecing together a meal plan it is supremely important to factor in allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, or any other health condition which requires particular nutrition. BetterMe app includes the boarding questionnaire, which takes into consideration all of that, excluding all the dangerous components from your customized meal plan, and providing you with the safest diet.

Perks of the BetterMe customized meal plan

  • It fits your taste

It doesn’t necessarily have to be a health condition that can make you avoid certain foods. A diet can be much more pleasant if you eat what you like, and an individual meal plan can promise you that. Instead of blindly sticking to someone else’s diet plan, you can substitute the foods that you like less, with those that have the same properties and are more to your taste, and BetterMe will gladly do it for you. The 28-day plan includes 3-5 meals per day, so you can rest assured that you won’t have to starve or run on fumes all day long. A huge base of recipes includes 2500 dishes, among which 500 have video-recipes, will turn cooking into a pleasurable experience.

Looking for a way to break the vicious cycle of weight loss and tone up all the jiggly parts? Watch the extra pounds fly off and your muscles firm up with the BetterMe app!

meal plan

  • It focuses on your personal goals

Each diet promises different results and has different longevity and severity. With the BetterMe customized meal plan, you chose yourself what you want your result to be, and by what means you are ready to reach it. For example, your plan can be focused on helping you slim down, sustain your weight or gain mass. The app also offers you different types of a personalized meal plan, depending on your nutritional preferences, as for instance, vegetarian, traditional or keto.

Read More: 30 Day Keto Challenge: Will Upping Your Fat Intake Help You Lose Weight?

weight loss

  • It is perfect for weight loss

Shedding pounds sure is difficult, you need to find a diet, follow it, constantly keep track of what you eat, how many calories you consume, when to eat, and how. BetterMe customized meal plan can smooth your way to a healthy weight without wearing yourself out or losing all hope and motivation. You don’t have to worry about planning your meals anymore – the app will do everything for you. Notification system will remind you when it is time to grab a bite, and a broad recipe base will provide versatile, easy to prepare meals, which will fit your personal taste. With BetterMe you will be blown away by how effective and easy the past 28 days of dieting were.

Get Ultimate 28 Days Workout & Meal Plan


A customized meal plan has a lot of benefits and may significantly improve your dieting experience, as well as increase its effectiveness. So, don’t hesitate, download BetterMe app, get your new personalized meal plan, and become a better version of yourself starting now!

Supplement your diet with some exercise to double your results. Check out this 20-min Full Body Workout at Home.


This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!